Embracing Death through Celebrity Lives: Johnny Carson

Written by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot

In lieu ofrepparttar recent passing of Television great Johnny Carson, we,repparttar 132225 Gen-Xers,repparttar 132226 BabyBoomers, andrepparttar 132227 older generation are vividly being slapped into a dramatic reality-check. It's not alone that we grew up withrepparttar 132228 late-night superstar, but it is alsorepparttar 132229 fact that he inadvertantly shaped our exaggerated perception of immortality.

An icon torepparttar 132230 masses for over three decades, Carson definedrepparttar 132231 way we viewedrepparttar 132232 world around us through comical antics. His diverse guests ranged from Cher, to David Lee Roth, Roseanne Barr, Jerry Seinfeld, and even Pee Wee Herman (Paul Reubens). As we matured, The Tonight Show host shared satirical wisdom about politics, family and life in general.

Whether he played host to monkeys and leaopards, or superstar celebrities; Johnny Carson entered our living rooms and dens each night with a larger-than-life improvisation ofrepparttar 132233 humanistic character. Not all of us were avid fans of Carson, but most of us held great respect for a man with such candor and sincerity inrepparttar 132234 public eye.

When he leftrepparttar 132235 Tonight Show in 1991, people everywhere were stunned by his retirement. But like so many of us, he wanted to leave a lasting impression that would virtually immortalize his existence - and that, he did. Without a whimper, without a bang, Johnny Carson leftrepparttar 132236 stage quietly and was seldom seen or heard again. Our final, visual impression of him was that of an mature, but healthy, witty gentleman. We forgot about his human, or mortal side. We didn't remember his notorious marriages, and we certainly didn't personally knowrepparttar 132237 'man' - Johnny Carson. We knew him for that 1/2-1 hour show each night as he so graciously beseeched us with his bravado. As personal friends now (who knew Mr. Carson) retell stories of his utter shyness, Mr. Carson was as human as we come.

Suddenly, without a glimpse of his real, personal life,repparttar 132238 TV legend has been shockingly stripped from our lives. Yes, we can watch his eternally-capsulated shows on DVD, or VHS but now it's distinctly 'different.' Our own human minds have created an illusion of eternal life. By virtue of example of Mr. Johnny Carson, we've unintentionally led ourselves to believe that man can be an immortal, physical species.

And it is when those thoughts or ideas are quickly placed back into perspective, that we realize physical immortality is notrepparttar 132239 case at all. It wasn't that stars like Johnny Carson, Bob Hope and many others like them did this to us on purpose - in fact, it is our own thinking that deceives us so willingly. Because we live in a technological age,repparttar 132240 media has composed an elaborate scene of false perceptions. In doing so, we see our public figures day in and day out - whether it be television news, films, radio, orrepparttar 132241 like - their presence is always there.


Written by Candas Emcioglu

The completion ofrepparttar Human Genome Project was greeted with much enthusiasm and many hopes for a bright future pregnant with new possibilities. Currently incurable diseases would be detected early enough and would be prevented before they developed. Damaged organs would be replaced with brand new cloned organs perfectly compatible with our bodies as these organs would be specially grown out of our own stem cells. Our children would be healtier and would live longer. The possibilities that were inrepparttar 132223 horizon seemed endless. Some even believed that one day we would even defeat death and would perhaps beat God in his own game.

Overrepparttar 132224 past forty years, genes have gradually gained a new value asrepparttar 132225 raw resources orrepparttar 132226 building blocks of an already happening biotech revolution that has been penetrating virtually every industry inrepparttar 132227 world markets. Those who have been involved inrepparttar 132228 race of decipheringrepparttar 132229 genetic code of life forms on this planet have also been part of a more vicious race of acquiring patents and intellectual property rights.

Althoughrepparttar 132230 ethical challenges posed byrepparttar 132231 biotech revolution are still being debated, patents on biotechnological inventions on living matter, such as genetically modified seeds, micro-organisms, genes, tissues, cell lines and many other components of life are now a reality. This double-edged sword has created a dilemma. On one hand, it is imperative to form a healthy balance betweenrepparttar 132232 interests ofrepparttar 132233 inventor andrepparttar 132234 society via a social contract, such as a patent, which should also encourage scientific progress and a safe platform forrepparttar 132235 continuation of future inventions. Onrepparttar 132236 other hand, such patents closely related to life and healthcare, underrepparttar 132237 strict control of a small group of corporate entities, worry many people, who clearly understand that inrepparttar 132238 near future one will have to pay royalties or will have no access to certain healthcare services.

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